Duhul Maruthe (Swapna Theme) - Dasun Madushan & Shanika Madumali

Duhul Maruthe (Swapna Theme) mp3 songDuhul Maruthe (Swapna Theme) lyrics and karaoke
Duhul Maruthe (Swapna Theme).mp3

svapna........ svapna........duhul marute veli ma gatepatum modu vila sada yamayehagum mavate turul vi hademava ganna loke haba vi magesvapnayak vage.........svapnayakda me.........dore yayi adare........svapna........ svapna........ svapna........ svapna........iti rupe hada nane kavadavat oba vagesudu muhune pema vahe hamadamat mage varehit dekak lam vela kalpayak vagerattaran adaraye.........svapnayak vage.........svapnayakda me.........dore yayi adare........svapna........ svapna........ svapna........ svapna........sadapane taru rane avidinna yam eka ranenositu se duka soke himi vuvat samsareattamayi oba mage jivite vagepalu na me diviye...........svapnayak vage.........svapnayakda me.........dore yayi adare........svapna........ svapna........ svapna........ svapna........

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